Welcome to
Saint John’s
Episcopal Church

8:00am | Rite I | in-person
10:15am | Rite II | in-person & Facebook Live

A welcoming place of love, service, and compassion

We are a diverse and inclusive community representing all walks of life. We offer a traditional worship Service of Word and Sacrament (preaching based on the three-year Lectionary cycle and weekly Holy Communion) with many of the worship ministries led by lay members. Holy Communion is the Lord’s Table where all are welcome no matter where you are on your spiritual journey.


We offer warmly traditional worship centered in the Bible and Communion. Our interactions are not limited to worship. Our commitment overflows into our community as we serve those in need in Christ’s name, and toward each other as we care for members of our parish family both in times of joy and times of great sorrow and need.