Being good stewards for family and those whom we love.
Do you have a financial plan? (Did you know: since 1990 only 46% of our population have wills? The States will have priority as to how to distribute it if you have no will. Only 20% under age 30 have wills!)
Are you protecting your wealth, your assets and family?
Do you know what actually happens to your assets when you die if you have no will?
Who will make healthcare decisions when you can’t?
The answers to these and other questions are part of the
Basics of Estate Planning Seminar
Saturday, May 4 from 9am-noon
Topics include planning your will and/or trust, power of attorney, duties of trustees and more.
There is no cost or oblication to attend, but seating is limited so contact St. John’s today
(530)894-1971 or